There’s a lot of uncertainty when it comes to making big life choices. I’m a pretty confident guy and I am very rarely ever not cool, calm, and collected. I certainly wouldn’t show my reservations or uncertainty externally but I too am affected by uncertainty and doubt. I’ve been playing tug of war with uncertainty and my confidence recently, I’m making moves in a direction that will require me to make some very large life changes. While this will be an extremely exciting change in my life there is still a considerable amount of uncertainty and doubt that is associated with it. I’m going to be leaping with a very thin safety rope, it wouldn’t take much for it to break and I plummet to uncertain depths.
Doubts are natural, especially when you’re fixing to make a massive lifestyle change. Most the time though the doubts aren’t based in reality but in irrational scenarios that run through our minds. The thing is that we never know what our future will hold and it’s easy to stick with your routine mundane life because you know what to expect the next day. When you jump and not have that safety net of your everyday life to fall back on those fears of uncertainty strike hard and your mind wanders to crazy unrealistic scenarios. It takes a lot of confidence, mindfulness, and perseverance when to make big life changes without knowing exactly how they will work out.
Even though you may have uncertainty and doubt, if you really want you desires to come true and you work for it life seems to always assist to make it work out. I know that in the next few months I will get all the pieces lined up for me to make a very large lifestyle jump, I will be going into it as prepared as possible but there is no amount of preparation that will allot you the confidence to cover every scenario. There is big risks involved to make changes in your life but generally speaking those risks are very much worth it when it comes to what you want. If there is something you want in this life you need to acknowledge the doubts, fears, and uncertainties and jump anyways. Making big moves is the best way to make big leaps in quality of life, if you don’t take those chances you may never see your dreams come true.