Life is funny like that, jumping into something that I never would’ve thought I would’ve enjoyed turns into something that I really do love. Opened doors and exciting times all comes from jumping in blind and trying to discover life and new opportunities. See there are some, in my opinion, unexplainable forces in the Universe that pushes and pulls us into certain directions. Do I think it’s God, no. Do I think there is a force of nature that is dependent on laws of attraction and repulsion, absolutely. The best example of this is why certain people attract us while other people do not, all at the same time the people we’re not attracted to could be attractive to everyone else. I think that same concept lies within everything that surrounds us. There are certain things that attract us, that call our name. Take for instance my love of Chicago, there’s a lot of things about Chicago that I could logically say “this is why I love the city” but in reality there is an unexplainable attraction to the city, it calls my name in the night like a siren’s song enticing me to come into it’s borders. That’s the way with a lot of things that we end up being passionate about, not just stuff we like but stuff that we are truly passionate about. We of course could logically explain why we enjoy said activity but really we have no idea what draws us and lures us to it. It makes us a return customer. I’ve always been fascinated with this concept and really find it interesting to think of why certain things attract us and why certain things repel us.
You take that law of attraction and the pursuit of a passion and then things start to reveal themselves right in front of your eyes, if you are conscious to see them. We can and often do miss out on opportunity because we were too blind to see them in the first place. Sometimes you just need to acknowledge and accept the world around us 100%, it’s the world and the universe that is assisting us in finding those points of synchronization with other people and opportunities. When we can see the collision points we can then take advantage of those points in time and run away with them to our benefit. There is a lot of opportunity that is missed because we are blind to the world around us. It’s one of those tricky things, if we aren’t aware of these collision points we may miss excellent opportunities. We could take a look at our lives and we could go through our moments where life changes occur, most of them will consist of a collision point with something or someone. It’s simple probability, we are bombarded with these collision points everyday one or some of them will land and you will notice the opportunity and you will capitalize on them. Open your eyes and accept the world around us, it will be a very beneficial tactic.