Every time that I travel I discover a little bit more about myself and the places I travel to. You would think formally living and frequently visiting Chicago that there wouldn’t be much to explore or discover that I hadn’t previously stumbled upon before, you would be wrong. Each time I visit that city I find something new. It’s either a geographic discovery, gastronomical discovery or a psychological discovery but it never fails that I discover something. This doesn’t just apply to visiting Chicago, that’s just my place and it’s currently my most recent travel experience, but it applies to any time that I travel. There is an incredible sense of discovery and adventure, it energizes me in ways that I could never dream. Travel is the fuel for the soul.
Certainly, travel is more than the seeing of sights; it is a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living. ~ Mary Ritter Beard
When it comes to creative pursuits one of the most beneficial experiences that I have are ones of discovery and adventure. Stepping outside of the everyday to experience something different, new, strange, helps us grow as individuals and as a collective. Our brains fire faster, stronger, better and in different ways than we are use to, this gives a fresh perspective on things around us and what’s in our minds. Clarity will often come from moments of uncertainty and risk, travel is mostly all about uncertainty and risk. You are never sure what to expect anytime you go or do something new or different. There is no way to account for all the variables and ultimately there will be at least some uncertainty. This is the best thing that can happen for a creative person, uncertainty breeds outside thinking.
The best education I have ever received was through travel. ~ Lisa Ling
I believe we are living in one of the most exciting times in human evolution, we are on the verge of so many things that in 5, 10, 20 years the entire landscape of humanity will be fundamentally different. That being said, I think one of the saddest things about our society is that we are not really raised to explore or take risks. Where once we were taught to reach for the sky and as a nation would band together to achieve those goals. Now we fight and argue with each other for table scraps and under stimulating jobs. We don’t explore the world or our inner psyche, we don’t take risks or venture into uncertainty. It scares us, and shit yes it should scare us but it should also excite us. That fear should embolden our sense of adventure and discovery.
The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page. ~ Saint Augustine
The most profound way of exploring both the world and ourselves is with travel. It doesn’t have to be backpacking across Europe, climbing Mt. Everest, or lounging on a tropical beach. While those are all wonderful and should be attempted, at the very least strived for, but really all we need to do is take some time and visit a new city near by or even visit a familiar city but with fresh eyes. Wander around, take less traveled roads, venture down alleyways, and canals, you simply never know what you will discover. Discovery and adventure is about taking risks, moving even just slightly outside of your comfort zone, and exploring new frontiers of your own mind. Creativity and clarity thrive in these situations. They give us the experiences and tools for personal growth and development. We can walk away smarter, more creative, and move evolved human beings. Take some time to be an aimless wanderer, stroll about, find something interesting and share that experience with someone. Our experiences and discoveries can transcend our own boundaries and help others grow as well.