I think doing something out of your comfort zone where you aren’t that confident in your ability is a great way to develop yourself as a person. When we pursue things that are a bit outside of our day to day norms and abilities we get presented with opportunities to expand who we are and how we think. Learning new things, especially things completely outside of your wheelhouse, is an excellent way to take your abilities, personality, thoughts, and behaviors to the next level. The moments of doubt and uncertainty that arise when we are attempting to do something we have no pre-developed skills for are moments of character building.
Often in times of doubt and uncertainty we have two options. One option is that we can choose to persevere and push through onto the other side. We can take our lumps, setbacks, failures, and subsequent successes as learning experiences that we can then apply to the rest of our lives, ushering us into a stage of personal development. Or the other option is to give up, admit failure, and run away from anything difficult that is presented to us, ultimately never really living because we’re never really learning anything new. This is a cowardly approach, in my opinion, but it’s an approach that a lot of people take and live their lives by. I’ve never really seen failure as an option in anything I do, even if I hate it I’m going to push through until it’s at least in the rear view. I may not excel in things, I may not give 100% or even 10% effort to complete them but I get to the point of minimum viable product and move on.
There is some very amazing things that can come out of taking risks and stepping outside of your comfort zone. Amazing things indeed, most of which are of personal development and growth as a person. Obviously you could grow in negative or positive ways but that is your choice based on what you choose to take risks on. Knowledge is definitely something that one can use for good or evil and it is always our choice in which we choose. But beyond the initial choice of what kind of person we want to grow into we will always grow with the risk or the pursuit of expanding our comfort zone and our individual knowledge. It just takes time, effort, and never giving up on what we want from our lives.