Enjoy The Little Things

There’s moments in life where things are just so damn complicated. As humans we tend to pile the shit on and complicate life even more, it seems to be our natural states. On one hand it’s quite impressive from what we have evolved into and on the other hand we seemed to have evolved to a point where we try to make things that should be simple more complex for the simple reason that we can. Life gets tricky and over complicated, we often do take a step back and enjoy the little things in life.

Rule #32: Enjoy the little things. ~ Tallahassee (Zombieland)

It’s been 3 months since I’ve been outside on my bike and at least a month since I rode inside but in the last few days I’ve managed to get outside 3 times. For me riding my bike is zen, there are few times throughout my days that I ever reach moments of pure enjoyment, biking is one of them. There are few things better than getting outside in the morning and going for a vigorous bike ride. The peace, calm, and serenity of it leaves me feeling blissful and fulfilled. I find no greater clarity than when I’m on my bike. I can either zone completely out and let the stress wash away from me or use the time to my advantage to think about complications, challenges, and ideas. It’s this small, seemingly insignificant, action that brings me great enjoyment and pleasure in life. Add the fact that it’s excellent exercise that doesn’t feel like exercise and you’ve got a near perfect experience.

To add icing to the cake, it’s fucking warm again! I’m so damn excited to have acceptable temperatures. Last night I drove home with the window down and it was brilliant. Ok so it’s not super warm but it got into the mid-50’s yesterday and when you’ve experienced nothing but sub-freezing temperatures for the last 3 months, 50’s feel like a god damn tropical heat wave. It feels great to have the windows down, wind blowing through you hair, breeze caressing your skin and a big grin on your face. I’ve also enjoyed the act of cruising with the windows down, it’s definitely in my top 5 favorite things about summer standing toe to toe with the sun and pretty girls in summer dresses. To have that experience after battling winter it is truly a little thing that makes a massive difference.

The simple things in life are often times the most rewarding spiritually. You combine the bike ride, warm weather, and cruising with the window down and you’ve got a recipe for a brilliant day and yesterday was a brilliant day. We take these little things for granted quite often but really when we think about what makes the best days the best days is combination of the little things that compound and progressively increase the enjoyment of the day. Spring time is an amazing reminder of the little things, the icing on the cake of life. In this time of changing seasons to more enjoyable weather remember the little things and appreciate the unappreciated. Always remember rule #32 of Zombieland.