Laughter is one of the greatest de-stressors in the history of human-kind. If you want a sure fire way of relaxing and letting all the bullshit of the day melt away, you’ll find that with laughter. Nearly 100% of the time laughter will take you away from the stuff that is giving you issues. There has never been a time where I sat down to watch stand-up comedians or a comedy talk show that didn’t get me completely lost from any issues I may have and didn’t result in me searching out more laughter. Laughter is a drug, it’s addictive, when you have it you want more of it and when you don’t have it you suffer.
A day without laughter is a day wasted. ~ Charlie Chaplin
The other night, after accomplishing my Christmas lists, I decided that I was just going to take a night off. After having to deal with the nightmare that was repairing my car I decided I needed a night off to laugh, relax, and be far removed from my stress. I literally spent all night, from 5:30pm-11pm, watching the Graham Norton Show. Without failure it literally has me cracking up every time I watch it, such a hilarious show, an excellent way to spend some free time.
Taking the night off, relaxing, and laughing hysterically released the built up stress and frustration that had been lingering from my days prior with dealing with the car and other everyday life bullshit. It was exactly what I had needed. I went to bed with a large headache from laughing my ass off but for the first time in many days I slept all the way through the night. I awoke in the morning feeling refreshed, alert, and happy.
Laughter is an instant vacation. ~ Milton Berle
Laughter has always been something that I find inspirational and beneficial. It is an essential building block for creative pursuits. I don’t think that it is essential in the way that we may get inspiration from the comedian, actor, or joke teller (even though we might), it’s essential because it whitewashes our brains and we can start with a clear slate again. Often when creative people struggle it is because there is too much pressure, stress, or anxiety over what they are trying to accomplish. The other part of it is there are so many external variables that add frustration to our day to day lives. Most of us have many MANY things that bring us annoyances and stress everyday while also having far fewer things that bring us joy. Whitewashing our brain with comedy and laughter is the quickest way to remove those stressors and promote healthy rebuilding of our mental structures.
Losing yourself in laughter is not a difficult thing to do, as a matter of fact before you know it you are 10 episodes into a funny show or fiendishly hunting down more stand up shows from a particular comedian. When we laugh we lose all sense of time, it is the purest representation of being in the moment fully. With a great comedian, comedy show, or hilarity packed day out with friends, we quickly forget what time even is, it becomes a non-issue, a false construct. It’s why, for me at least, when I watch the Graham Norton Show, Archer, or other funny shows, I will often watch 4, 5, 6, or 7 of the shows and I don’t give a shit because it’s all about the laughter. Laughter is the cure for our daily life diseases. It can bring hope when we have none, it can whitewashes us after being graffiti bombed by the bullshit of the world, and it can help us build meaningful connections with other people. Laughter is paramount for a joyous life.
Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain. ~ Charlie Chaplin