Stepping Back Can Show You The Answer

Somedays I’m just not inspired to write or rather just not snappy enough to write properly. My brain flattens out and I can’t concentrate on the things that I want to write about. The tasks at hand are not at my fingertips, the words I want to express are not there because I can’t find the things that I want to express. It’s an issue for people who write like this everyday. I want to say something profound but I rarely ever come up with anything profound. When I do, it’s by complete and utter mistake but maybe that’s how profound thoughts are generated. They may be generated when we least want them, when we stop focusing on trying to be profound the profundity comes to us. It works a lot like when you stop looking for a job a great job finds you or when you stop looking for a great girl, a great girl enters your life path. When focusing on the things we really want we sometimes can’t obtain them because we are trying too hard. That’s how I feel many mornings when writing, I struggle to come up with the things that I want to write because I don’t know what to write.

That’s how life is though, when we want something, we are hyper focused on it and we throw as much effort as possible at it, it always feels just out of reach. Then when we stop working so hard to obtain that goal and just before we are ready to give up we get the chance we’ve been looking for the whole time, a moment of ‘EUREKA’; a phone call or email with a job offer, you meet the love of your life, you have an emotional or personal breakthrough. It’s moments like that both makes you realize that you need to work your ass off for your goals and make damn sure you put all the effort into them but also at the same time knowing how to step away from the obstacle and let the obstacle resolve much of the issues all on its own. It’s a brilliant realization when you realize it but at the same time you need to not completely give up nor should you ever be lazy about your endeavours because you expect them to just happen to you. That’s not what I’m saying, I’m saying that if you bust your ass off and hustle to a goal it’s okay to step back from it for a small period of time and regroup and at that regrouping stage is where the things that were giving you issues usually resolve themselves or you have a brilliant moment of clarity.

It’s at these regrouping stages that the real magic happens. That stuff that you don’t see coming. the cosmic convergences take place and what you thought was never going to happen, happens. These moments are things that boost our ego and our sense of worth like no other thing on this Earth. It’s these moments that life seems to function precisely how it’s suppose. All is right in the cosmic universe at the regrouping stages. Sometimes the best solution to a problem is to walk away from the problem, just for a bit. Get perspective, after all that is what life is all about, perspective. You can take these issues you may have and take them as a failure and give up, which I don’t recommend, or you can take them as a message from the cosmos letting you know that you have spent too much time on this problem and you need to step away from it a bit. If you won’t listen to your body and mind, listen to the Universe when it’s trying to tell you something.

When the right opportunity comes along you need to recognize the gift that you have just been given and capitalize on it. We get messages all of the time and it’s our duty and to our great benefit that we keep our eyes open so we can recognize them when we need them because usually that’s when they are presented to us. Opportunity is everywhere and it’s always an option to us. We just need to stop focusing so much on the 5 seconds in the future, sit back and observe what’s around us. The big moments, the moments of clarity or convergence are not always obvious, they take careful observation and openness to believe that something is coming our way that is worth our time. We don’t just sit around wish and hope that we will get a break because it won’t happen, if you’re not putting forth the effort to make shit happen then shit won’t happen. Sometimes even with the effort it doesn’t happen how you planned it but it may happen in another way. See if you don’t put forth the effort to persevere to your goals then the universe will never deem you worthy to having your desires. Shit doesn’t happen to people who don’t try. Shit happens for the hustlers and hard workers.

Your desires, dreams and problems don’t always render into something that you actually wanted but sometimes they provide you with something that you need at the time. Insight, knowledge, companionship, pride, humility, confidence they’re all things that are great to have, they may not be what we wanted but it very could’ve been what we needed at the time. That is more beneficial than a lot of the other shit in the world. I’d take a valuable life lesson that will benefit me for the rest of my years over cheap meaningless financial gain that will only give me stuff. We don’t need stuff, we need us, we need universal lessons that train us to be amazing people not just some rich fuck with a lot of shit because at the end of the day the rich fuck may have everything he wants but it’s never enough and he’s probably miserable but the humble man who was given the gift of personal growth but has little has more than the any financially successful person.