It’s been my experience that life doesn’t give a shit about timing. It has no concept of it, it could give two shits about what is going on in your life. That’s why there is always a shit storm at the worst possible time ever. Time does not exist in the realm of life. It’s fuck you, take this! For the most part, things go alright, no issues, it looks like smooth sailing from here on out, at least for the time being. Then right before you reach the end of the highway, BOOM, shit storm. Poo everywhere!
I speak from excessive experience when I talk about shit storms. This week has been no different which reminded me that I was getting complacent with my expectations of life respecting timing. It reminded me this week, life doesn’t give a fuck. In the days prior to a major and potentially negative life changing event when stress and anxiety are at its highest, I simply forgot how much more shit life can throw at you all at once. I’ve grown to understand that it is a fact of life, that when you get knocked down, often there will be a few more kicks to the head before you can manage to get back up.
With all of the shit that has come barrelling down on me this week; high stress, little sleep, obnoxious anxiety, and multiple kicks to the face. I remembered something. The most important thing to know when life feels it is necessary to bring upon you a shit storm the likes of which you have never seen, it passes and you WILL be able to get back up again. This piece of knowledge is essential to making it out of the storm. Often times it is easy to forget that tidbit of knowledge with all of the chaos and uncertainty going on around you. Things can feel very overwhelming and that nothing good can come from the shit life is throwing at you but it does pass and it does get better.
I lost sight of that this week. I got wrapped up into the shit storm but when I realized I’m just going to have to take a few more hits and let things go because 99% of it is out of my control, things got better, there was a sigh of relief. I’m still in the eye of the storm and the next few days are gearing up to becoming pretty stressful but I know going into them that they too will pass. In the hardest of days we always need to remember that life carries on, we’re resilient, storms pass, and we will ALWAYS make it through to the other side.