Winter always sucks me dry and I often lose my motivation and creativity during the dreary, cold, and short days of winter. I hate it, very much. I don’t think it is a mystery why things slow down and we become complacent with what we need to do. I will perpetually blame it on the weather. You see when winter starts it’s fantastic, it’s the holiday season; joy and happiness is in the air with the arrival of winter and Christmas season, it really is a great time of the year. Then it happens, December 26th or maybe for you it’s January 2nd, the holidays are over and we have nothing else to look forward to until the weather starts getting warmer but first it gets colder and here in Wisconsin it seems like each year we consistently experience frigid and brutal chills. After the holiday season I go through a point of monotony, seclusion and my creativity is drained. Often times the things that inspire me are the things that are outside but when we get 0℉ to -10℉ temperatures with wind chills that are in the -20℉ it becomes extremely difficult to do anything outside or even go anywhere, so you are stuck at home or at work, inside all day. This kills me, I’ve got a very vivid imagination but it seems during the winter it decides to migrate south.
Here I am in the doldrums of winter, uninspired, unmotivated, and gorging myself on food. This is part of the reason why many people never fulfill their new years resolution, who the fuck wants to go outside this time of year? No one, that’s who, unless you are one of the fortunate to live in a warmer climate. To be honest I’m struggling to write and be creative, so much of the creativity that I experience are from activities I perform outside; photography, biking, or feeling the warm summer wind on my face as I cruise around with the windows down (a personal favorite of mine) none of that shit can be done with weather like we are currently having not without risk of frostbite or having to wear massive amounts of layers. Call me a pussy but when it comes to the winter, I sure am, I can’t stand the cold and I hate being cold even more.
Where the hell am I going with this? I’m just kind of ranting at this point, pissing and moaning about the shitty weather but here’s my point, I want to know what other people do during the winter months that keep them going. It’s important, I really do want to know, I need the assistance to keep motivated through the next couple months of bullshit cold weather.